
Friday, October 23, 2009

Am I Really the World's Loopiest Artist?

The Oxford Times published an article in today's paper about the Steampunk Exhibition at the local university. The first paragraph reads:

A wonderful, crazy, new art form has hit Oxford. ‘Steampunk’ is the subject of a (very) special exhibition, running at the Museum of the History of Science, featuring 18 of what must be the world’s loopiest artist/craftspeople.

Hmmm, that's me they're talking about! I'd be insulted if it weren't so darned funny. Further into the article it states:

Tom Banwell is a self-taught leather craftsman and avid childhood hat collector from the improbable-sounding name of Rough and Ready, California. His helmets, accurately described by Art Donovan as “gorgeous and frightening at the same time”, are an example of the macabre element. Their components hint at some disturbing physiognomies beneath the masks: what kind of vaguely human creature, for instance, would need the help of stainless steel tubing resembling a jelly-mould crossed with a sea anemone in order to breathe?

I'd say that's me in a nut shell: Gorgeous and frightening. Heh heh! Gotta love this stuff!


  1. Wish i could have made it to that exhibition. Your work is sensual, in all the good ways and bad. I am trying to get into mask making, but i am going through fibreglass masks first. And that helmet is one of my favourite.

  2. Pretty cool looking!

  3. I'd take that as a compliment for sure. Loopy, gorgeous, frightening... they hardly know how to begin.
