
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Skull Respirator: Finished Casting Stained

I have molded the fabricated skull, and have cast it hollow in cold cast aluminum so that it will fit over the nose and mouth.

Here is the casting after the preliminary polishing, along with the strap cut out of leather.

On the left is the same casting pictured above, and on the right is another one that has been stained black/brown. Once it is dry I will polish it and it will look like pewter.


  1. looking great! i am really impressed with the level of detail on the spoon ends! its coming together very well :)

  2. What're you using to stain the cast? I'm experimenting with staining cold cast aluminum myself right now :D

  3. The stain is a wood stain in a gel form. Gives more control than liquid.

  4. Thanks! I was fooling around with paints and they weren't giving me the look I wanted. Time for a home depot run.

  5. It says on Fiebings products that in the state of California it has been known to create birth defects etc. Thats the stuff I was taught to use from my cousin here (and he didnt give a damn what we used) but now I don't wanna use it anymore. What is it that you use to stain your leather? I also want a nice varnish too T_T
