
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Respirator #4 with Canisters

Last month I started on respirator #4, then had to set it aside while I filled all the Halloween mask orders coming in.

I have at last had time to get back to it. I redesigned the ventilation holes, and constucted the canister, making it smaller than my previous respirator. Pictured above is the undyed leather mask and canister prototype.

Here is the respirator assembled (except for the straps) and dyed and antiqued. I'm hoping to be able to retail this piece for under $100.


  1. Hello Tom, couldn't find your email, so putting all of my questions in this post. Are those canisters custom-made, or are they off-the-shelf?
    Can you please point me to some good resources for dying and antiquing leather? Do you ever post or share you patterns? Thank you!

  2. The canisters are made by me. I will be posting a tutorial on making a respirator almost identical to this one within a couple of weeks, with patterns. I'll also be selling these same canisters to those who want to build their own masks.

    Best, Tom
