Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Eyecage Leather Mask

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Mask with Eye Cages
I was intrigued by the idea of using the leather within the eyehole to create bars, rather than just cutting it out and discarding it. I'm experimenting with it in two versions.

The two samples cut from the larger piece of leather (shown above) are sewn together at the apex. The three other pieces are made with solid leather bars all the way across the eyes.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Tauruscat: Completed Sensor

Shown along with the sensor is a polished brass fitting to show how much it darkened with treatment.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Head Protectors for Shipwrecked Persons
Be it known that I, Francis P. Cummerford, of Wilmington, in the county of New Castle and State of Delaware, have invented a new and Improved Head-Protector, of which the following is a specification:
This invention consists of a protecting-helmet, for the use of firemen, shipwrecked and other persons, made of rubber or other elastic material, that closes tightly to the neck, but fits loosely on the head, it being provided at the upper part with a ventilating device, and with a mouth-piece and closing device to admit of speaking.
Another wonderful inspiration for those of a steampunk persuasion. My favorite paragraph reads:
The mouth-piece is used in case it is necessary for the wearer to give orders or to communicate with his companions. The protector may be used also as a covering against rain, sleet, snow, and spray, when on the deck of a vessel in storms; or it may be used, when made of fire-proof material, by firemen, or, when made of lighter material for ladies' use, in bathing, as it will effectually protect the hair from salt water.
Yes sir, for you ladies wanting to protect your hair there's nothing else like it! Thanks to André Granum for sending this to me.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Tauruscat: Tubing Fitting
The photo shows my steps for aging the fittings, and making them a little less recognizable as a part you probably have under your kitchen sink. The top piece is in its originals state. Going around clockwise, I sanded off the sharp edges; I sandblasted it to remove any lacquer; and I buffed it. On the far left bottom I've dipped it into vinegar a couple of times which brings out the cuperate patina. And above it I dipped it into Liver of Sulphur which turns the copper in the brass brown.
I will age all eleven of the fittings together to hopefully a nice dark brown.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Daguerreotype of Sentinel

Saturday, March 6, 2010
The Cape: Coming to the Small Screen

And how does this relate to me you're asking? Well, the costumer just purchased one of my steamy leather top hats (pictured above) to be part of the show. Below you can read an excerpt from the pilot which describes a motley crew of circus characters. I think the top hat will fit right in!

Thanks to KSITE.TV for the story.